I believe if I had the time and the energy to learn how to use the SMARTboard notebook, it would not have taken me five hours to build three lessons. It would have also been helpful to know how to create lesson plans. Since I have not learned how to create lesson plans, this assignment proved to be very complicated. I had complications with the notebook as well. Since this was the first time I was using it, I was struggling how to put a button on a page which led to a link to another page. I had difficulty with the object animations, they would begin to spin or fade out when first opened but after a while the animations would stop. It is apparent which lesson plan is my first (Shapes) and which is my last (Images) as my text, images, animations, and lesson plan begins to improve a little more. As I began to understand the program more, I was able to become comfortable and begin to experiment more. A problem that I constantly had with SMARTboard was that I would click on certain objects or activities and it would take an extremely long time to respond or load. With the multiple activities open and in use, SMARTboard would have complications loading and would crash. I had the notebook crash on me at least 4 times when I was working on my project.
I am sorry that your computer crashed and your are correct in that it does take a little time to figure out how to use the program. I am glad that you were willing to stick it out. I apologize for calling the activity lesson plan creation when it is really about creating an activity to use within a lesson. But it does show you that teachers spend a lot of time creating materials to use in the classroom and that learning to use a new tool whether technological or not can be extremely frustrating. This frustration can keep teachers from using tools that are useful for students. Teachers need to advocate for time and instruction so that they can be prepared.