Sunday, January 31, 2010
FLASH Animation
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Lesson Plan from Smarttech
Monday, January 25, 2010
21st Century School Models
Zoho vs. Google
Google Docs: Check It Out
The presentation template would be great for student group projects. I remember being in elementary and middle school and doing a bad job on group projects because I could not make it to someone's house. Now with google docs, everyone can add their input to the assignment and e-mail it to the teacher the night before it's due.
The google spreadsheets students can do surveys throughout the school year. With google forms, a teacher can switch it up, instead of giving out homework on paper they need to go to their e-mail address. The teacher gets to know her students better from these fun little questions from the form. It also allows a paperless environment to begin the year.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Interview a Teacher
1. My favorite tech and web tools in the classroom: the most used one is the ELMO document projector (you can put things under this camera and it displays them on a screen, kind of like an overhead projector but better), it is awesome, I use it everyday, we can display pictures from books and it is the most valuable way for students to share their work. Smart boards would be awesome if our school could afford them. I also think teacher webpages are amazing, its an awesome way to keep parents updated on assignments, students progress and events/activities in the classrooom.
2. Frusterations with Tech: You pretty much always have to have a plan B when you are integrating technology into a lesson plan, because there is always the off chance it will not work, and you don't have the luxury of troubleshooting with 25 kids staring at you, starting to get off task (this happened to me last week when the ELMO would not work).
3. The biggest misconception: That it is a hassle/more work to include it in your lesson plan. Also, I think alot of teachers may not realize that their students may not have access to technology at home (coming from a title 1 (ie: poor) school, I found out most of my kids do not have access to word processing or the internet at home- therefore I try to integrate these into our school day so the students can get some exposure it in our increasingly techno-dependant world.
4. Hurdles: The biggest hurdles teachers face is getting the funding to get updated technology in our classrooms. Right now we have OLD OLD Macintosh computers in our classrooms that sound like airplanes when you turn them on and work very slowly. Another hurdle I would say would be keeping informed on updated technology, this is probably a challenge for older teachers.
5. Biggest success: I enjoy bringing my iPod into the classroom and finding music to correlate with what we are studying, I find it really helps students and myself get excited and motivated about the material.
6. Inspiration: We have a teacher at our school who is our designated "technology person" (it's our librarian) and she is our go-to person for technology ideas, questions and troubleshooting. She always knows resources I can use and gives me ideas for lesson plans.
7. Future: I think schools need to stop fighting and begin to embrace the technology that students already know how to use and are currently using every day (ie: cell phones) and integrate it into their classrooms- personal cell phones are powerful individual computers in our pockets- it would make learning more meaningful for students if they were able to integreate them into lessons- ie: using their cell phone to find an answer in class.
Three Educational Blogs II
Three Educational Blogs
She tells stories of other people struggling to teach math, which relieves the pressure off of myself a little. She also recommends different textbooks for teaching, there are videos with quick reminders about simple but useful procedures through math, such as angles and multiplying by decimals. She gives out other blogs that could be useful to math help. This will be extremely useful to teachers who struggle with math, and struggle to teach math. It is also useful for simple reminders. It can be used by not only elementary teachers but secondary educators as well.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
PLN Blog Requirements
Monday, January 18, 2010
Domo Teaches Us about the 21st Century Classrooms
21st Century Teacher
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Research for Digital Storytelling
1.Digital Storytelling is combining art and people’s stories with digital text, video, and audio to create a topic of information. The story is usually represented around a type of theme.
2.Children often have trouble paying attention during class, usually during long, boring lectures. A presentation featuring Digital Storytelling would help break up the time they are learning, with interactive pictures, video, and audio pertaining to the lesson they are learning. They will be able to pay more attention in class and remember the lesson.
3.Digital Storytelling can be used through any of the K-12 lessons such as writing, reading, language arts, math, science, art, music, and history. It can portray a story of a person as if they were alive today, explain multiplication and division tables, and go over different types of reading styles for students. It is also great for visual learners to understand the material they are learning in the textbook.
4.The challenges that face ahead with Digital Storytelling would be the equipment (digital cameras, computers, scanners, etc.) would become damaged over the years of usage. With the high cost of digital materials being put into the school, the school would not be able to by high end products or none at all.
5.The products needed are a digital camera, computers or laptops, photo scanners, applications on the computers to make a Digital Story, such as Photo Story 3 through Microsoft.